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Produce Box and Market Sales Coordinator Position

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We are looking to hire staff who can fulfill the job description for both our Produce Box Coordinator role and the Marketfront Sales and Outreach Coordinator role.


Position Description: Sales Coordinator
Supervision by: Kodiak Harvest Food Cooperative Board of Directors
Hours: no more than 20 hours/week (part-time)
Start Date: 1/23/2022


The mission of Kodiak Harvest Food Cooperative (KHFC or Co-op) is to provide Kodiak communities with quality food choices that are locally sourced, economically sustainable, and environmentally responsible while promoting education and engagement. We are seeking a
Sales Coordinator to assist KHFC with day-to-day operations, including fulfillment of the USDA LFPP Grant (food-hub operations). This position will require excellent customer service, educating stakeholders about the Co-op and its vision, and both independent and cooperative

Specific responsibilities include:
• Staff marketfront on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
• Produce box fulfillment on Tuesdays (with the ability to be flexible based on shipments)
• Food hub order fulfillment and market stand on Saturdays

o Market stand and food hub order fulfillment
• Order produce and other products for food-hub operations
• Receive orders and manage Square inventory
• Prepare quarterly sales reports
• Accounts payable – pay invoices on time
• Social media posts (collaborate with social media coordinator) on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday to advertise open hours

• Excellent communication skills (written and oral)
• Ability to work independently as well as in a team with the Project Manager, Board of Directors, other KHFC staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders
• Reliable, self-motivated, have strong customer service skills
• Excellent organization and time management skills with ability to complete required tasks within a set timeframe
• Proficient in Microsoft 365 applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); social media applications
• Experience with Square
• Ideal candidate will be an enthusiastic advocate of the local food movement

$19/hr, to be reviewed annually



Produce Box Coordinator Position Description: 

Supervision by: Kodiak Harvest Food Cooperative Board of Directors

Hours: 10-15 hours/week (part-time)

Start Date: immediately



The mission of Kodiak Harvest Food Cooperative (KHFC or Co-op) is to provide Kodiak communities with quality food choices that are locally sourced, economically sustainable, and environmentally responsible while promoting education and engagement. We are seeking a Produce Box Coordinator to assist KHFC with produce box operations. This position will require excellent customer service, systems and process organization and management, and both independent and cooperative work.



Specific responsibilities include:

  • Ordering produce weekly

    • Orders from Organically Grown, Brightbox Farms, and Alaska growers when available

  • Produce box fulfillment on Tuesdays

  • Maintain list of subscribers 

  • Communications with suppliers and subscribers

  • Invoicing weekly produce box subscribers

  • Communicate with the KHFC board as needed and provide a monthly report on progress 



  • Excellent communication skills (written and oral)

  • Ability to work independently as well as in a team with the Board of Directors, other KHFC staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders

  • Reliable, self-motivated, have strong customer service skills

  • Excellent organization and time management skills with ability to complete required tasks within a set timeframe

  • Proficient in Microsoft 365 applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) & social media applications 

  • Experience with Square 

  • Ideal candidate will be an enthusiastic advocate of the local food movement



$20/hr, to be reviewed annually


Let’s Work Together

1420 Selig St, Kodiak, AK

Tel: (907) 512-6263

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