The Kodiak Harvest Food Co-op is a grassroots startup that stemmed from community input during the 2015 Kodiak Strong! Community Planning Day. Participants expressed their desire for a food co-op and in February 2016 a steering committee was assembled. Healthy Tomorrows, a community wellness program by Providence Medical Center, then provided an $85,000 grant to assist cooperative's initial development. These funds helped finance Kodiak Harvest Food Co-op's incorporation on August 15, 2016, and a subsequent professional market study. This study formally and objectively assessed the demand for a food co-op in Kodiak. Among its key conclusions was the confirmation that there is great interest in a food co-op in Kodiak. The first official board was seated in February 2017.
Today, the co-op continues to evolve and grow. The first brick and mortar storefront opened in early 2022 and allowed rapid and exciting growth. The co-op now offers a variety of fresh local, Alaskan, and organic produce, local and organic dairy, local eggs, and a wide array of food staples and pantry essentials. Kodiak Harvest also facilitates and distributes a weekly produce box, hosts Saturday markets for local cottage food producers throughout the winter, participates in community events, hosts community workshops, forums, movie showings, and discussions, and continues to grow toward being a full-service grocery store and a foundation for community on Kodiak island.
Come see what's new! Current business hours are listed here.
Our Roots: a co-op in kodiak
Our Mission
Provide Kodiak communities with quality food choices that are locally sourced, economically sustainable, and environmentally responsible while promoting education and engagement.
Build a community owned full service grocery store emphasizing locally harvested seafood and produce, supplemented with regionally sourced goods.
Our Vision
Our Values
We honor the cooperative values of equality, equity, mutual self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, and solidarity and honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others.
The Stages & Cornerstones of Co-op Development